Avoiding orf virus transmission in livestock and humans

As spring season progresses, more livestock producers will be hosting various club lamb and  show goat sales. As animals from different producers commingle for the first time at their new homes, the opportunity for disease transmission increases greatly. However, one infectious disease that might be overlooked by sheep and goat owners is orf virus, better known as “sore mouth.” Orf virus is one disease that can be transmitted to humans, and it affects 15 percent of sheep and 8 percent of goats in the world. The disease is caused by a virus from the poxviridae family and has been reported by sheep and goat producers since the late 19th century. 

Sheep and goats that are infected with orf virus will develop scabs and sores on their muzzle, lips, and inner mouth. Early into the infection, the sores will appear to look like blisters and then will develop into crusted scabs. Infections will clear up within a month and do not typically cause any major issues. However, if the sores are inside the mouth, the lamb or goat may reduce food intake, causing slower gain. Initial gain can really impact the animal’s success at spring shows and can impact their likelihood for making weight at county fairs. 

Orf virus is easily transmitted between animals through any direct contact with a bodily fluid that contains virus whether it be nose-to-nose or body-to-body. Waterers, feed-buckets, blankets, muzzles and halters are easy sources for contamination. As the scabs on the mouth and body heal, the scabs will dry up and fall off as the skin below the scab heals. The scab can fall off and the virus can enter the soil or bedding in the environment. The virus is extra hardy when it is in the scab and can live in the environment for months or even years. This means that pastures, bedding, waterers, feed troughs and halters that have scab materials on them can be dangerous for uninfected animals for long periods. 

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