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Aromatherapy for the home can come from anything from candles to flowers to essential oil diffusers, but oil diffusers are becoming very popular because of their cleansing power and natural mood enhancement ability. — Johnson Publications

Common Scents: Aromatherapy for your home

Home should be a sanctuary, a place one goes to relax, unwind and destress.

With more people spending time at home during the COVID crisis, it is more important than ever to create an atmosphere within your home that surrounds you with positive energy and/or calming influences.

There are a number of ways to make a home more pleasant to live in, and aromatherapy is one important method.

“Scents can have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, sleep enhancement, self-confidence and physical and cognitive performance,” said Theresa Molnar, executive director of the Sense of Smell Institute.

An article from Psychology Today stated, “By becoming more aware of the way specific odors affect you personally, you may be able to enhance your health and well-being.”


Common scents, different sources

There are a number of ways to enjoy the wonderful benefits of natural fragrances around your home and create an atmosphere to your benefit.

Smells have a large impact on how you feel. They’re capable of triggering forgotten memories and instantly altering your mood.

Beginning with one of the most common scents, flowers growing around your home and the cuttings you bring into the house can lift spirits, not only from the fragrance but by visual stimulation.

Another common form of adding a pleasant fragrance to the home is with candles.

There is a multitude of quality candle fragrances to choose from, and they can be purchased at many locations.

It is important to note that there are some scented candles that contain toxic chemicals such as toluene and benzene. So check those labels and choose wisely.

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