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The sidewalk north of Phillips County Court House is scheduled to be replaced along with other parts of the courthouse sidewalk and curb where necessary. The project is expected to begin this fall. — Andrew Nygaard | The Holyoke Enterprise

County expresses opposition to proposed collective bargaining mandate in Colorado

Phillips County commissioners signed a letter on Feb. 22 opposing a proposed collective bargaining mandate being considered by the Colorado General Assembly.  

A total of 104 commissioners representing 38 counties across Colorado and other entities and interests signed the letter, which was sent to Gov. Jared Polis and Colorado General Assembly leadership, expressing strong opposition to any proposal mandating collective bargaining for all public employees.

The signers of the letter pointed out that they do not oppose collective bargaining as a policy but believe it is an individual employer/employee decision. Along those same lines, they said they would also oppose efforts to create a blanket prohibition on collective bargaining rights, since they feel it should be an individual employer/employee decision.  

The letter noted that a “top-down, mandated approach would impose a significant unfunded mandate ... and contradict Colorado’s long history of local control.”

It added that for local government, the costs would be borne by taxpayers at a time when families and businesses are struggling; for K-12, costs would come at the expense of direct services to students at a time when they need extra support; and for higher education, the costs would be borne by increased student tuition or additional pressure on the general fund at a time when they need to focus on workforce development.

The opposition is directed at the General Assembly imposing a new unfunded mandate when those impacted are doing what they can to serve constituencies as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and deal with increasing operating costs that already strain their budgets.

They also object to the General Assembly inserting itself into local government, school and higher institution employment and budgetary matters that they feel should be reserved for employers, employees and voters in individual jurisdictions.

The letter closed in saying that there’s no evidence that such a shift in public policy is warranted and it is “especially egregious that there will be no effort at the state level to compensate impacted entities for fiscal impacts of this new unfunded mandate.”


Funds approved for courthouse sidewalk project study

Commissioners approved the paying of $1,500 to Y2 Consultants LLC to provide a required environment study for the Phillips County Court House sidewalk project.

Last April, commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing an agreement between the county and the Colorado Department of Transportation for the replacement of the courthouse sidewalks and curbing where deemed necessary.

The plan is for the project to start this fall, and it will also include providing additional courthouse access for those with disabilities.


Other business

In other business last month, commissioners:

— Reviewed the Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant award notification in the amount of $21,750, which will be used as matching funds for a comprehensive review of the county’s current zoning regulations.

— Approved the purchase of road grader blades from Wagner Equipment for $23,860.25.

— Approved the contract submitted by North Line GIS to provide enhanced mapping service for county offices for $11,880.

— Discussed the Northeast Colorado Bookmobile final asset distribution of $9,995.09, and the use of the funds will be determined at a later meeting.

— Approved the purchase of a welder for the road and bridge department in the amount of $3,749 from Revolution Welding LLC.

— Approved the Colorado Counties Inc. annual dues for 2022 totaling $10,000.

— Approved CCI public land dues for 2022 totaling $150.

— Held a 15-minute executive session for discussion of a personnel matter.


Holyoke Enterprise

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