Letters to the Editor

Grateful for Holyoke

I continue to be amazed and most grateful that God led us to move to Holyoke about two years ago. Since our arrival, we realized the people here have a true sense of community and go out of their way to help others.

This winter has been a blessing and answer to prayers, as we needed the moisture the snow and ice have provided. And, I was especially impressed by the snow removal process as I watched from our home how the snowblower was filling up the back of dump trucks. As the back of one truck was filled, another was right behind it, and moved forward until it was full, and then another was behind that one, etc. I was impressed with the skill and talent of these operators and full of gratitude as they were doing their best to clear our roads. I’m sure they would have rather been inside where it was warm and comfortable, but they were out before most of us were awake to clean our roads. Thank you!

Another occasion this past week reminded me of the wonderful spirit of the people in Holyoke. I helped to organize the Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Legacy Event. Initially, an organization had said they would provide 35 volunteers for this event. However, with only 10 days until the event, they notified us they would not be able to provide any volunteers. As disappointing as this was, our board members and others began asking for people in the community to help, and they did! Within a few days, we had about 24 people who heard of our need and volunteered. The Legacy Event was a great success, and this was in large part due to those who volunteered their time to help us plate and serve meals to our guests. And those in attendance commented how attentive and polite the servers were. As usual, people in our community heard of a need, and their response was incredible. Thank you so very much!

Blessed to be here,

Penny Bailey

Holyoke Enterprise

970-854-2811 (Phone)

130 N Interocean Ave
PO Box 297
Holyoke CO 80734