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Red Cross overwhelmed by May 20 blood drive turnout

Establishing a regular Red Cross blood drive routine in Holyoke has been just over a year in the making, and the most recent drive suggests that locals are seriously committed to keeping them going. Over 100 people were involved, whether donating, working or volunteering, in the May 20 drive at First Baptist Church. Many who donated are regulars that do so as often as they can. A surprising number were people returning after years — or even decades — without donating. Several donated for the very first time, including HHS sophomore Kylie Purkeypile who is pictured giving a reassuring thumbs-up to a nearby supporter. At the end of the long day, 76 units had been collected, while the four previous drives averaged 45 each. The next drive is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, at the Baptist church. Appointments can be scheduled already at

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