Minimize hay waste; save money

Extension Corner
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    Livestock feedstuffs and the costs of feeding have been reported to be the largest expenses for livestock producers. The price of feed can be very high, especially if it is shipped long distances. It is common for a fraction of the feed to be lost or wasted. Exploring ways to reduce waste can decrease hay expenses.
    Hay can be purchased as either a square bale or round bale. There are many things to consider in selecting the type of bale to use. Square and round bales differ in density, storage and feeding capabilities. Square bale density and confirmation will help reduce shipping costs, as each load can haul more hay. Shipping can reduce the amount of hay that you end up receiving where dense, tightly packed hay will lose less. Although there is not much you can do about it, it is good to be aware that during transportation, some hay will be lost. Again, square bales will lose less during transportation.
    Unless hay will be used soon, storage options should be given some serious thought. First, how long will you store the hay? If it is for more than one season, bales left to the elements will deteriorate and lose many nutrients. To reduce nutrient loss, indoor storage or bale covers with bales on gravel or tires should be considered for long-term storage. Hay losses for bales stored inside for more than 8 months are 2 to 5 percent, where losses of bales left to the elements can be as high as 50 percent. Round bale deterioration occurs most where the bale touches the ground or where water can collect.

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