As much Christmas as possible

The Postscript
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Whatever you think about Christmas, I think you would have to agree we need one this year.

Everyone I know seems determined to do as much Christmas as it is possible to do. My pastor announced at the beginning of Advent that we were going to have 26 consecutive Zoom Advent services.

“We’re having 15 minutes of Advent reflections EVERY night!” she announced.

“Surely she means every week,” most of the congregation thought.

“EVERY night!” she repeated for clarification.

“I am not Zooming every single night of Advent,” I thought. “That’s just excessive.”

But after the first night, I looked forward to the second night, and then it became a habit and, after a few nights, I couldn’t imagine missing my little 15-minute dose of Christmas hope and positivity and fellowship. Fifteen minutes was just enough to settle my thoughts. There was music. I was asked to read a couple of times. We all waved “hello” at the beginning, and before we knew it, we were waving “goodbye.” I can’t remember ever feeling the approach of the Christmas season so intimately, so incrementally, so intensely.

I’ve heard there is a worldwide shortage of Christmas trees.

Folks who haven’t bothered to put up a tree in years decided this was the year. Usually, if I have a tree at all, I look for a skinny tree I can stash in the corner and still have room for company. Not this year.

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