New Year’s resolution

Trooper Tips
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As we arrive in yet another year, it’s time for a few New Year’s resolutions. If you’ll indulge me, I have a suggestion for one of them this year. 2022 needs to have a little more happiness than the last two seem to have severely missed, and I have tips to make it happier.

On top of COVID-19 issues, Colorado has been getting hit hard with record-breaking fatal crashes. Each morning, I receive a report that lists all of the fatal crashes in the state that happened the day before. There are days we receive up to five people who have lost their lives. This is awful and doesn’t have to be this way.

I have been working our roads for 18 years and have covered a lot of fatal and injury crashes. I can honestly say that not one of them happened without some form of careless driving. So, this time I’ll focus on talking about being careful when driving. Because sometimes all it takes is a small event that no one would believe will cause a crash.

It can be something as simple as tuning the radio to a new station, talking to a passenger, looking at something on the side of the road, eating, even daydreaming — anything that divides your attention from the road. Most of these crashes have one thing in common beyond the distraction: The vehicle went out of its lane because of the distraction. So please give driving the attention it needs and deserves. There is nothing worth your life.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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