Replacement plan for playground studied

While Great Outdoors Colorado grants provided nice equipment in the city park and the Holyoke Elementary School playground 22 years ago, the equipment is wearing out.

At the July 14 school board meeting, Superintendent Kyle Stumpf cited the need to start looking at long-term solutions for the school playground.

Holyoke Elementary School Principal Andrea Kammer has been researching the cost detail. She noted that the person who came out to inspect it was the same one who constructed this equipment 22 years ago.

Kammer said the company rep was impressed with the condition of the equipment but did note that there are some safety concerns.

Prior to the inspection, she estimated this to be a $189,858 project, but after seeing the state of the playground, the bid was submitted at $123,802, including freight and installation. It also included a 12% discount on the equipment price.

Timelines are such that it can’t be done for this year, so the board will consider alternatives for pursuing an upgrade.

This is just a starting point in the conversation as the board looks at its master facilities plan or maybe considers a GOCO grant or other funding sources. If the master plan eventually looks at moving the elementary school site, board members asked if the equipment can be disassembled and moved should that become the situation.

Additionally, there was consideration for reaching out to the city to see if there is a playground equipment replacement plan in city park to see if going together on a project could help both with pricing.

In the meantime, Kammer noted that wood chips have been ordered for the playground area for this year.


Policies discussed

In policy discussion, it was noted that the Colorado Association of School Boards’ policy on liability of school personnel/staff protection has been repealed.

CASB policies and exhibits approved on first reading covered the topics of bullying prevention and education.

Second-reading approval was given to policies on facilities planning, mentor teachers/administrators, professional staff induction program, staff use of the internet and electronic communications, and staff acceptable technology use agreement.


Other business

In other business at last week’s meeting, the board:

— Hired Maria Swan as an elementary school paraprofessional for 2021-22.

— Approved intergovernmental agreements with Phillips, Sedgwick and Yuma counties for the 2021 board member election.

— Toured the hospital apartments and the JR/SR high construction project prior to the meeting.

— Held a board retreat following the meeting.

Holyoke Enterprise

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Holyoke CO 80734