School to get new bus soon

A new school bus, the need for bus drivers and changes in service providers were all part of a transportation update at a regular meeting of the Holyoke School District Board of Education on Tuesday, Jan. 18.

Summer Struckmeyer shared with the board that the school purchased a new bus, and while it was supposed to arrive last November, she’ll be happy if it’s finally here in March.

Other recent purchases have been two mini buses, a maintenance pickup and a Traverse. The school sold three buses in the fall and will have the option to sell more when new vehicles arrive.

The school has also been looking at activity buses that have air conditioning, but in the meantime, they have some AC units that can be installed on buses currently being used, said Struckmeyer.

From August to December, in addition to regular routes, there were 90-100 trips taken for athletics and activities. Struckmeyer said that through the use of buses, mini buses and vans, students were able to attend all the events that they had signed up for, and she’s thankful for the drivers, coaches and school staff members who pitched in to make that happen.

She reported that boys golf traveled approximately 3,500 miles, softball 4,100 miles, volleyball 3,000 miles and football 5,000 miles.

Three of the school’s bus drivers are at or close to retirement age, and Struckmeyer said that they are currently training a few drivers but are also actively looking for more.

She pointed out that after Feb. 7, there will be more training required to obtain a commercial driver’s license than there is currently.

The transportation department has been working hard to find both short-term and long-term solutions for servicing school vehicles.

Beginning in January, Glen’s Diesel Repair was no longer available to provide service for the school. Struckmeyer said they will be working with Andy Gordon and Kolt Knight, who are both local, but major repairs will have to be made at Floyd’s Truck Center in Sidney, Nebraska.

Superintendent Kyle Stumpf reminded the board that the school’s garage is certified, so one option would be to look for a mechanic who can work at the school’s location.

The board plans to discuss the issue further at its upcoming retreat.


School closure policy discussed

One of the Colorado Association of School Boards policies that the board reviewed was regarding school closings and cancellations.

The general consensus among schools is that if the students can’t be in school for math, science, reading, etc., then there shouldn’t be practices, games, extracurricular activities, etc., said Stumpf.

The problem is that there is some gray area since Holyoke School District doesn’t have anything spelled out in a policy.

“We’re here to educate kids first. Sports are secondary,” said board member Justin Clayton.

The board asked Stumpf to work on a draft of a policy that he will bring back to the board for its review.


Other business

In other business at the Jan. 18 meeting, the board:

— Heard a presentation from elementary student council members Macie Maloney, Kinley Sporhase, Kyle Goldenstein and Emma Benson about how they encourage other students through skits, prizes and more.

— Discussed likes and dislikes of a second draft of the 2022-23 school calendar.

— Heard a quarterly financial report presented by Stumpf.

— Acknowledged the Heginbotham Trust for its $25,000 donation for the playground renovation project at the elementary school.

— Approved a resolution authorizing the use of a portion of the beginning fund balance.

— Adopted the 2021-22 January budget appropriation resolution.

— Approved first reading of CASB policies regarding administration of medications to students, entrance age requirements and immunization of students.

— Approved second reading of CASB policies regarding resignation of instructional staff/administrative staff, and discipline, suspension and dismissal of professional staff.

— Held a one-hour executive session for the principals’ evaluation and discussion of the superintendent’s contract.

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